S5 Integration

S5 is a web presentation toolkit based upon docutils.

It is not integrated with Sphinx, which is the point of this task …

  • S5 comes with a set of themes of its own. Select a theme, and deploy that into _static/ during build. From the generated slides, point links there.

  • Embed build into Sphinx: make all Sphinx directives/roles work inside slide material.

See also

See here for how to generated S5 material manually.

cluster_topic Project Plan cluster_topic_basics Basics cluster_topic_web Web Design and Programming cluster_topic_web_slides Slides topic_basics_groups Topic Groups 100.0% done initial 16.0h spent 0.0h topic_basics_basic_dependencies Basic Dependency Machinery 100.0% done initial 24.0h spent 24.0h topic_basics_groups->topic_basics_basic_dependencies topic_basics_python_testset Python Training: Test Set of Topics 100.0% done initial 5.0h spent 0.0h topic_basics_groups->topic_basics_python_testset topic_basics_python_fullset Python Training: Full Set of Topics 100.0% done initial 16.0h spent 0.0h topic_basics_python_fullset->topic_basics_groups topic_basics_python_fullset->topic_basics_python_testset topic_basics_python_testset->topic_basics_basic_dependencies topic_web_slides_s5 S5 Integration 0.0% done initial 80.0h spent 0.0h topic_web_slides_s5->topic_basics_python_fullset