Python Training: Full Set of Topics

  • Translate bloody Python Latex Beamer pile of slides into reStructuredText.

  • Give initial dependencies.

Goal is not to invent new content, or to refactor existing material. Rather, dumbly transcribe Latex to reStructuredText.

cluster_topic Project Plan cluster_topic_basics Basics topic_basics_python_fullset Python Training: Full Set of Topics 100.0% done initial 16.0h spent 0.0h topic_basics_groups Topic Groups 100.0% done initial 16.0h spent 0.0h topic_basics_python_fullset->topic_basics_groups topic_basics_python_testset Python Training: Test Set of Topics 100.0% done initial 5.0h spent 0.0h topic_basics_python_fullset->topic_basics_python_testset topic_basics_basic_dependencies Basic Dependency Machinery 100.0% done initial 24.0h spent 24.0h topic_basics_groups->topic_basics_basic_dependencies topic_basics_groups->topic_basics_python_testset topic_basics_python_testset->topic_basics_basic_dependencies