
Containers, Iterators, Algorithms

Genius Combination of …

  • Operator overloading (->, *, +, +=, ++)

  • Abstract containers

  • Abstract algorithms

  • … based upon pointer arithmetic!

Pointer arithmetic, revisited …

Pointer Arithmetic (1)

Pointer and arrary index

  • Pointer + Integer = Pointer

  • Exactly the same as subscript (“index”) operator

  • No range check

  • ⟶ Error prone

  • But: performance!

  • ../../../../../../_images/40-10-00-pointer-plus-int.svg
  • ../../../../../../_images/40-10-00-pointer-plus-int-error.svg

Pointer Arithmetic (2)

Pointer Increment

int *pa = a;

Pointer Decrement

int *pa = &a[1];

Pointer Arithmetic (3)

Pointers don’t necessarily point to valid memory locations …

*pa = a + 4;
pa -= 2;
i = *pa; /* ok */
*pa = a - 1;
pa += 2;
i = *pa; /* ok */

Pointer Arithmetic: Difference

How many array elements are there between two pointers?

p = &a[0];
q = &a[2];
num = q - p;      /* 2 */

General practice (“The Spirit of C”):

  • Beginning of an array (a set of elements) is a pointer to the first element

  • End is pointer past the last element

Pointer Arithmetic: Array Algorithms

Iteration over all elements of an array …

int sum(const int *begin, const int *end)
    int sum = 0;

    while (begin < end)
        sum += *begin++; /* precedence? what? */
    return sum;

Pretty, isn’t it?

Pointer Arithmetic: Step Width? (1)

So far: pointer to int - how about different datatypes?

⟶ same!

  • pointer + n: points to the n-th array element from pointer

  • Type system knows about sizes

  • Pointer knows the type of the data it points to

  • Careful with void and void*

Pointer Arithmetic: Step Width? (2)

struct point
    int x, y;

struct point points[3], *begin, *end;

begin = points;
end = points + sizeof(points)/sizeof(struct point);

while (begin < end) {

Pointer Arithmetic: Arbitrary Data Types?

sizeof: size (in bytes) of a type or variable

sizeof(struct point)



  • Extremely practical collection of template classes

  • Sequential container ⟶ array, list

  • Associative containers

Dynamically growing array: std::vector

#include <vector>

std::vector<int> int_array;

for (int i=0; i<int_array.size(); ++i)
    std::cout << int_array[i] << ' ';

Pointer Arithmetic

std::vector<int>::const_iterator begin = int_array.begin();
std::vector<int>::const_iterator end = int_array.end();
while (begin < end) {
    std::cout << *begin << ' ';

Algorithms: std::copy (1)

Copy array by hand

std::vector<int> int_array;

int int_array_c[3];
std::vector<int>::const_iterator src_begin = int_array.begin();
std::vector<int>::const_iterator src_end = int_array.end();
int *dst_begin = int_array_c;

while (src_begin < src_end)
    *dst_begin++ = *src_begin++;

Algorithms: std::copy (2)

Copy using STL

#include <algorithm>

std::vector<int> int_array;
// ...
int int_array_c[3];

std::copy(int_array.begin(), int_array.end(), int_array_c);

Adapting Iterators: std::ostream_iterator

Copy: array to std::ostream, which looks like another array

#include <iterator>

int int_array_c[] = { 34, 45, 1, 3, 2, 666 };
std::copy(int_array_c, int_array_c+6,
          std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));

std::vector<int> int_array;
// ...
std::copy(int_array.begin(), int_array.end(),
          std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));

Adapting Iterators: std::back_insert_iterator (1)


  • std::copy() requires existing/allocated memoryperformance!

  • ⟶ copying onto empty std::vector impossible

Segmentation Fault
int int_array_c[] = { 34, 45, 1, 3, 2, 666 };
std::vector<int> int_array; // empty!

std::copy(int_array_c, int_array_c+6, int_array.begin());

Adapting Iterators: std::back_insert_iterator (2)

Solution: std::back_insert_iterator

int int_array_c[] = { 34, 45, 1, 3, 2, 666 };
std::vector<int> int_array;

    int_array_c, int_array_c+6,
    std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<int> >(int_array));