.. include:: .. jf-topic:: cxx11.multithreading.thread :dependencies: cxx11.multithreading.introduction, sysprog.posix_threads.lifecycle Threads in C++ ============== Creating Threads is Far Too Easy -------------------------------- .. code-block:: c++ :caption: No parameterization void f() { ... } std::thread t(f); .. code-block:: c++ :caption: ``std::bind``? void f(int i) { ... } std::thread t(f, 666); .. code-block:: c++ :caption: Lambdas std::thread t([](){ ... }); *Looks all pretty familiar, no?* Joinable vs. Detached --------------------- **Why wait for termination?** * Wait for a calculation to finish * Distribute parallelizable algorithm over multiple CPUs * Graceful program termination .. code-block:: c++ :caption: Synchronize caller with termination of ``t`` t.join(); **Why detach a thread?** * Background service thread |longrightarrow| program lifetime .. code-block:: c++ :caption: Detach a thread t.detach(); Cornercases in Thread Lifetime ------------------------------ **What if the program terminates before a thread?** .. code-block:: c++ int main() { std::thread t([](){for(;;);}); } On Linux, at least ... * When a process terminates, all its threads terminate *immediately* **Can I terminate a thread without its cooperation?** * In Linux, yes, theoretically * What happens with locked mutexes? * |longrightarrow| Cancellation hooks (hell!) *Portably, no!*