.. include:: .. jf-topic:: c.program_sanity.static :dependencies: c.program_sanity.discrete_values Visibility - ``static`` ======================= Visibility ---------- **Compilation unit:** the entity seen by *one* compiler call * The C file that is being compiled * All included header files * Result is usually one object file **Symbol resolution:** * By compiler inside *one* compilation unit * By linker *across multiple* compilation units * Among symbols that the linker *sees* A Somewhat Contrived Example (1) -------------------------------- Two compilation units linked into an executable ... .. list-table:: :align: left * * .. code-block:: c :caption: ``main.c`` #include extern float avg( int *begin, int *end); int main(void) { int array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; printf("%f\n", avg(array, array+3)); return 0; } * .. code-block:: c :caption: ``avg.c`` int sum(int *begin, int *end) { int sum = 0; while (begin < end) sum += *begin++; return sum; } float avg(int *begin, int *end) { return (float)sum(begin, end) / (end-begin); } A Somewhat Contrived Example (2) -------------------------------- **Function** ``sum()`` **in** ``avg.c`` **is globally visible** * Anybody could *declare* it and use it * Linker will resolve it (that's his job) * Name could clash with another symbol in another compilation unit * Linker error ("duplicate symbol") when linking statically * Subtle bug when using shared libraries * Innocent reader has to think twice * "Can I modify the function without telling anybody?" |longrightarrow| **Ambiguity** that needs resolution! The ``static`` Keyword (Hooray!) -------------------------------- **Solution:** ``static`` - restrict visibility to the compilation unit .. list-table:: :align: left * * .. code-block:: c :caption: ``avg.c`` static int sum( int *begin, int *end) { int sum = 0; while (begin < end) sum += *begin++; return sum; } * * Nobody has to think twice * Nobody can use ``sum`` but the file it is defined in * No name clashes * **No ambiguity!** * **Only readability!** * Compiler can automatically inline the function * ... with only 6 characters of effort