.. include:: .. jf-topic:: c.program_flow.switch :dependencies: c.program_flow.else_if ``switch`` ========== Case Distinctions ----------------- **Problem**: ``if`` - ``else if`` ... - ``else`` * Much typing * ... especially when checking for equality of integers * Direct jump table (compiler generated) would be more efficient ``if - else if`` vs. ``switch`` ------------------------------- .. list-table:: :align: left * * .. code-block:: c if (c == ' ') ... else if (c == '\n' || c == '\t') ... else ... * .. code-block:: c switch (c) { case ' ': ... break; case '\n': case '\t': ... break; default: ... } ``switch`` ---------- * Labels must only be *constants* (and constant expressions), no *variables* * known at compile time * Equality |longrightarrow| code starting at label is executed, until the end of ``switch`` statement * ``break``: *fall through* otherwise * *fall through* sometimes desired, but mostly not |longrightarrow| careful! * ``default`` label is optional **When do I use it?** * Finite number of values (e.g. states of a *state machines*) * ``switch`` over ``enum`` without ``default``: compiler can warn about missing label |longrightarrow| very useful!