.. jf-task:: project_xxx.dirty_upgrade :dependencies: project_xxx.debian_config, project_xxx.yocto_kernel :initial-estimate: 8 :percent-done: 0 Dirty Upgrade Path ================== .. contents:: :local: Goal ---- * First shot at a kernel upgrade, as lightweight as possible. * During the I2S/DAC bringup massacre (the heart of the project) that will follow, we will repeat this step a number of times. * Therefore: * No debian packaging yet * Only upgrading the kernel the hard way. No distro, no packaging, no nothing. Just kernel, modules, and Bootloader config. * Maybe one or two scripts to speed it up Steps ----- * ``make oldconfig``: Debian kernel config, together with the Yocto kernel tree. Massage, build. * Build * Copy into Qemu box * Adjust Grub config for dual booting both the stable and Yocto kernels * Repeat until runs